Thursday, September 15, 2016

Madison Magazine Best of Madison Poll

Madison Magazine announced this week it's "Best of Madison" poll and we're included on the list!  Voting begins September 15th and runs through October 31st. Vote now!

Couple of things to keep in mind:

First, we are so honored to be a part of this and hope we are voted as best-of in our selected category!  That means we have to get out and vote (this is a positive election campaign, yay!) and it also means you should share on social media so people know you feel passionately about what we do at Upshift!

Secondly, as outlined by Madison Magazine you must vote for at least 25% of the categories (so you're not just voting for the category we're pushing).  Honestly, we are so proud to be Madisonians that we believe in all the businesses that make Madison awesome so get out the vote for your favorites.  We're all just a bunch of small businesses trying our best in the best town evaaa!  So, vote for the categories that resonate with you, just make sure it's 1/4 of the categories.

Lastly, you can vote once per day with one email as outlined by their rules.

Now get out and vote!  Share on social media!  

Thank you from our entire Upshift family; owners, staff, volunteers, customers and community!


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