Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Spring 2018 Launch

All new spring inventory available this week, we will feature a launch:
Sunday, March 18th
12-2 pm
Complimentary wine and sangria
Drawing for a FREE swap!

Access to all new inventory!

Monday, March 12, 2018

LBD - Little Badass Dress

Every gal has a LBD or Little Black Dress, that hangs in their closet and is at arm's length any time a special occasion occurs.  Well, my strapless, Banana Republic, dress is my go-to for all occasions and can be worn countless ways.

Psst, dirty little secret...I wear this same dress to every wedding I go to, and I'm able to change it up according to season or dressiness.  I realized that any gal can essentially take their LBD and wear it in different situations and look totally amazing depending upon the shoe, accessory, or cover up.

Watch and enjoy...and dig out your LBD so you can wear it in all occasions.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Four Ways to Wear a Little Black Skirt

Every gal owns a little black skirt (if not, get in to Upshift and get one!) which allows for limitless ways to wear such a basic piece, we paired it down to 4 must-have styles for this fall:

 A pencil skirt pairs well with a flowy, pretty
 Perfect for the office and a classic,white top
 Convert to an edgy look for the weekend
A crop top makes a pencil skirt super sexy

Friday, March 9, 2018


Come in and fill a bag for $10
Saturday, March 10th

Friday, March 2, 2018

Spring Hours

Spring is finally here(ish), but we count all of March as Spring, so YAHOO!

Dates to keep in mind:
3/11: Floorset
3/18: Spring Launch

New Spring Hours:

Saturday, January 27, 2018

2 for 1 Super Promo

We used to do our BOGO the first Thursday each month and our Stylist Promo the third Sunday of each month.  We realized over time that the numbers were dwindling so we moved away from both promos.

Well, guess what?  We're bringing them both back for one BIG SUPER promo!  We decided to combine them both just in time for Valentine's Day!  Our 2 for 1 Stylist event will be on Sunday, February 11th from 2-4pm.  Bring a friend and she swaps for FREE while getting fashion tips from a professional stylist!  Complimentary wine as always!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Private Party - Host for FREE!

Private Parties at Upshift are a huge hit!

Here are just a few reasons why:
  • Host swaps for FREE!
  • Bring a minimum of 8 guests and they swap for $10 each (that's half price!)
  • Complimentary red wine while you swap
  • Option to bring your own beverages and food for your guests
  • Complimentary invite created especially for you to send to friends or post on FB
How do we make it happen?  Easy:
  1. Please email with your top 2 dates and we put it on the calendar after confirmation with you.
  2. Email your friends or create an event on Facebook with your complimentary invitation.
  3. Show up and shop your ass off!
It's that simple!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Instagram Upshift Promo

So, we're going to run this promo until March 1st.  It's a fun one our merchandiser came up with.  He is fascinated by this Upshift sign we have hanging around the store and he thinks we can get some mileage out of it, and I think he's right.  If you come in and take a picture with it and post it on instagram and tag us in it @upshiftswapshop you will get $5 off your swap for that day.  Wait, you don't have instagram?

*cough, we're not judging*

Than we think it's totally cool if you use Facebook as the platform, too!  Just post the picture on your Facebook with a little blurb about shopping with us.  Be sure to put your location as Upshift Swap Shop.

Voile!  $5 off!  Just ask for THE sign when you come in, take a pic and make sure to link it to Upshift so we know you did it!  Heck, you can take a pic with staff and the sign if you want...and a glass of wine!

See you soon!

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