Friday, October 23, 2015

Top 10 must haves BTS edition

It's that time of year...AGAIN.  Where does time go?  That's right, it's post Labor Day and that means a change of season.  For most folks in retail we refer to this time as BTS (Back-to-School) even though most of us may or may not be headed back to school, but we are headed to a change of season and thus a change of wardrobe.  Here's what our top 10 looks like for this changing of the guard.

Leather satchel, not too big nor too small. Just right.

Leather boots, but with a twist.  Not your average riding boot.  Better.

Statement necklace.  Big, bright, and center of attention.

Leather detailed belt.  Preppy and retro all at once.

Scarves are essential in a northern climate.  Animal print is a bonus.

A timepiece in pink undertones.

Dress shoes with a twist.  Think sultry librarian.

Crop top.  Yes, a crop top....under a blazer is ageless.

Seafoam with greys  and black.  

Florals.  That is all.

1 comment:

  1. I'll take the lot! But seriously I'm coming in later soooo heads up!
